Academy Life
Pupil Voice and Anti-bullying Ambassadors
Pupil Voice
Pupil Voice is Smith’s Wood Academy’s tool for engaging students to have a real say in issues that affect them, allowing opinions to be shared and be included in decisions that involve and affect them. Our aim is to promote a sense of collaboration and mutual responsibility for improving the Academy. Candidates are elected by their peers to represent them and their values with 40 pupils actively participating in regular meetings, specific focus groups and whole school consultation across the academic year.

Anti-bullying Ambassadors
Our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors are selected each academic year from years 8-11. These students receive training both from their peers and The Diana Award Anti-Bullying Campaign. Their role within the Academy is to help educate their peers on bullying, lead on anti-bullying campaigns, promote a culture which celebrates and tolerates difference and help keep their peers safe both online and offline. The Anti-Bulling Ambassadors are available every lunchtime in the Upper School Library, to help give advice and support to vulnerable students.
Students who feel they would like to talk to an Anti-Bullying Ambassador or is interested in becoming an Ambassador should speak to Mrs Gibson or Mr Rose.
The following students are the current Anti-Bullying Ambassadors:
- Tia Sowerby
- Neli Paunova
- Chloe Weston
- Sedra Ballish
- Rayna Clarke
- Demi Lee Proctor
- Mia Rose Taylor
- Meisha Weeks
- Keira Murtagh
- Josh Evans
- Mason Bradbury
- Shannon O'Reilly
- Lily-Mae Hill
- Isabelle Chance
- Molly Clarke
- Quinlan Williams
- Nyle Gray
- David Hall
- Melville Bvururu
- Kairo Harris
- Dean Marshall
- Calium Brayson
- Morgan Waddilove
- Diore N'Doye
- Ty'anne Grandison
- Alicia Hanlon
- Kodi Wright
- Charlie Parton
- Harrison Vaughan
- Jayden Copper
- Brucie Allen
- Callum Finn
- Kyle Norris
- Zachary Andrews
- Takudzwa Hlekisana
- Kayleigh Brodie
- Jack Stewart
- Harvey Drinkwater