Academy Life

Young Carers

Young carers are children and young people aged 5 – 18, who look after someone (a family member or friend) who has an illness, disability, mental health condition or alcohol/substance dependency.

What is a young carer?

When caring, young carers take on tasks that are expected of an adult.

Young Carers can carry out the following tasks:

Although caring can be deeply rewarding it can also consume a lot of time and physical and emotional energy.


We understand that Young Carers may be dealing with a lot at home and therefore need someone to support, listen and guide.

At Smiths Wood Academy we have a designated member of staff – Mrs Douglas who works as our Young Carers Operational lead.

Who are the Carers Trust?

Carers Trust Solihull supports all Young Carers outside of school.

Carers trust run monthly youth groups and activities so that Young Carers can go and have some fun. They run a activities throughout school holidays, Young Carers can attend free of charge.

Carers trust offer emotional support through support workers, peer mentoring and befriending services.

For more information please visit the website  Carers Trust Solihull – Caring for carers of all ages (  or speak to Mrs Douglas (Young Carers Operational Lead).

Please see the Video below.

Who can I contact?

Your Young Carers Operational Lead is Mrs Douglas and can be contacted by using the designated Young Carers email address. Any student/parent/carer can use this email:

Young Carers operational lead at school will:

If you think you may be a Young Carer, know someone who is or for any further information please use the email provided or call and ask to speak with Mrs Douglas. We respect that all information will be shared in confidence and we assure you your privacy will always be respected.
