Our Academy
Principal's Welcome
Welcome to the Smith’s Wood Academy website. Our academy is part of Fairfax Multi-Academy Trust.
Smith’s Wood is a large Academy with just over 780 students from Year 7 to Year 11 and has the benefit of being a PFI build with a wide range of modern, state of the art facilities at its disposal.
Since I joined the Academy in February 2023, we have been on a clear trajectory to making small daily steps that result in big changes and everything we do is underpinned by our Academy values; ambitious, respectful, resilient.
Being Principal of a community Academy is something that I hold very dear to my beliefs and values; as such my expectations are that we will all work together to ensure your children get the best education possible, with an aim to ensure each and every child reaches their individual potential and is well equipped for the next stage of their life beyond our Academy. Alongside this are the highest of expectations for your children, unwavering standards of behaviour and etiquette that depict the culture and ethos of the Academy.
As part of our transformational journey, we are now one of the most improved schools for attendance in the Midlands, persistent absence has decreased, suspensions have halved due to a focus on behaviour for learning and progress at Year 11 last year was over half a grade improvement.
Whilst still in a transitional state, I am excited about the collective spirit that is apparent as we embark on our next phase of continued growth and school improvement. The staff and leaders at Smith’s Wood have genuine care and passion for the Academy and the community it serves. We work at pace to ensure the best education can be delivered daily and the resources required to bring about the necessary improvements are being made available.
I remain relentless in my drive to ensure Smith’s Wood Academy continues to improve, ambitious for every child to be happy, cared for and successful and that the community can be proud of their local Academy.
Thank you for visiting the website, and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Steve Huntington | Principal